I am trying to use custom font in Cocos2d-Android with CClabel, I have added my font file into the assets and trying to use it by name "Faraco_Hand.ttf" and "Faraco_Hand" but its not working, I have googled around but haven't found any solution. this is how my code looks a like:
currentVideoLabel = CCLabel.makeLabel(VideosLabels[currentSelected], "Faraco_Hand.ttf", winSize.width/41);
currentVideoLabel.setPosition(CGPoint.make(winSize.width/2, 20));
If someone know this please help me.
Hi i use this way to add font in my game here i am sharing you my code check it hope it's helpful for you here i am setting my font on label this is the only way to set fonts...all the best
CCLabel labelcontinue = CCLabel.makeLabel("continue", "fonts/JimboStd-Black.otf", 14);
labelcontinue.setPosition(CGPoint.ccp(272, 95));
labelcontinue.setColor(ccColor3B.ccc3(165, 42, 42));
mainPaperNode.addChild(labelcontinue, 25);
CCLabel labelWelcome = CCLabel.makeLabel("Welcome", "fonts/JimboStdBlack.otf",20);
labelWelcome.setColor(ccColor3B.ccc3(139, 69, 19));
labelWelcome.setPosition(CGPoint.ccp(innerArea.getContentSize().getWidth() / 2, (innerArea.getContentSize().getHeight() / 2) + 138));