I 've researched and noticed that ActiveResource lack this functionality. So, what is the current state of the art when doing a file upload?
One problem with Guillermo's approach is that the request has to be nested, like this:
body = { :file => {:uploaded_data => File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/tmp/" + original_filename), :owner_id => current_user.owner_id }, :api_key => '123123123123123123'}
Of course it is not possible to do a request like this with HttpClient. I tried other gems I found in github (sevenwire-http-client and technoweenie-rest-client) but they have problems with the file being nested. Is it possible to upload a file with a nested request?
You can try something like the following:
#I used the HTTPClient gem as suggested (thanks!)
clnt = HTTPClient.new
# The file to be uploaded is originally on /tmp/ with a filename 'RackMultipart0123456789'.
# I had to rename this file, or the resulting uploaded file will keep that filename.
# Thus, I copied the file to public/tmp and renamed it to its original_filename.(it will be deleted later on)
original_filename = params[:message][:file].original_filename
directory = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/temporary"
path = File.join(directory, original_filename)
File.open(path, "w+") { |f| f.write(params[:job_application][:resume].read) }
# I upload the file that is currently on public/tmp and then do the post.
body = { :uploaded_data => File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/tmp/" + original_filename), :owner_id => current_user.owner_id}
res = clnt.post('http://localhost:3000/files.xml', body)