I'm currently working on a web site that will show kind a image gallery on some detail pages. It must show a navigation at the bottom with small thumbnail images and it must show per each element some basic information and the big image.
The big image must be resized too, because there is a maximun size allowed for them.
The point is to use just a source image per multimedia component and being able to resize the images on publishing time so, from the source image would be sent to the client browser a thumbnail and a big image. It's possible to show small and big images using just styles or HTML, but this is quite uneficient because the source (some of them really heavy) image is always sent to the customer.
My first thought was a custom code fragment, something written in C# but I find complicated to resize only some images to a certain size and then resize them again to another size too. I don't find the way to replace the SRC on the final HTML with the appropiate paths neither.
Another idea was to create an old-style PublishBinary method but I find this really complex because looks like the current Tridion architecture is not meant to do this at all...
And the most important point, even in case we can do the resizing succesfully (somehow) it's currently a Tridion 2011 issue to publish twice the same image. Both the big and the small version would came actually from the same multimedia component so shouldn't be possible to publish both of them or playing with the names, the first one would be allways gone, because the path would be updated with the second one :-S.
Any ideas?
I have built an image re-sizing TBB in the past which reads the output of a Dreamweaver or XSLT template. The idea is to produce a tag like the following with the first template.
<img src="tcm:1-123" maxWidth="250" maxHeight="400"
cropPosition="middle" variantId="250x400"
action="PostProcess" enlargeIfTooSmall="true"
The "Re-Sizing" TBB then post processes the Output item in the package, looking for nodes with the PostProcess action.
It then creates a variant of the Multimedia Component using the System.Drawing
library according to the maxHieght
and maxWidth
dimention attributes, and publishes it using the AddBinary()
method @frank mentioned and using the variantId
attribute for a filename prefix, and variant id (and replaces the SRC attribute with the URL of the new binary).
To make this 100% flexible, if either of the maxHeight
or maxWidth
attributes are set to 0, the TBB re-sizes based on just the "non-zero" dimension, or if both are set it crops the image based on the cropPosition attribute. This enables us to make sqare thumbnails for both landscape and portrait images without distorting them. The enlargeIfTooSmall
attribute is use to prevent small images from being stretched to much.
You can see samples of the final galleries here: http://medicine.yale.edu/web/help/examples/specific/photo/index.aspx
and other image re-sizeing examples here: http://medicine.yale.edu/web/help/examples/general/images.aspx
All of the images are just uploaded to the CMS once, and then re-sized and cropped on the fly at publish time.