I would like to create kind of an 'electronic questionnaire' with about 40 questions. Designing the form (mainly consisting of Spinner elements), I found out that in QVGA resolution, I can place a maximum of 3 questions in a layout with a text size that is still readable for elder persons.
Now of course one solution would be to use a Scrollbox, but I imagine that to be quite inconvenient (and unclear: "did I miss a field somewhere above?") and maybe even "ugly".
On the other hand, just staying with 3 questions per layout, it must look ugly on larger displays.
I just wanted to ask how others solved this design challenge and if there are maybe smarter solutions than the ones that came to my own mind so far… 8-/
Different layouts for different screen sizes and resolutions would probably be the best way to handle this. Please see this article on the Android Developers Guide for more information. Also, long forms (from a design and usability standpoint) can be kind of daunting, so from a human perspective I would recommend doing a few questions per page to prevent users from getting frustrated.