I have recently encountered a problem while developing a page with multiple TinyMCEs.
<textarea style='width:90%;height:500px;' class='tinymce' name='message' id="mce_editor_0" placeholder='Long Message'>{if isset($message)}{$message}{/if}</textarea>
<textarea style='width:90%;height:200px;' class='tinymce' name='signature' id="mce_editor_1" placeholder='Long Message'></textarea>
url: "../action/getEmailTemplate?id="+id+'&type='+type
}).done(function ( data ) {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mce_editor_0', 'mceSetContent', false, data);
tinyMCE.execCommand('mce_editor_1', 'mceSetContent', false, data);
And this does not work. Do I misunderstand the logic behind tinyMCE.execCommand?
This won't work. You will find the correct usage description here.
There are generall commands you may call using tinyMCE and there are editor-specific commands called on an editor instance:
tinymce.get('mce_editor_1').execCommand('mceCodeEditor', false, 5);
You may also use the following to address a specific editor
tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand('mce_editor_1', command, user_interface, value, focus)