i am doing programming in GWT
i have class FolderColection and Folder, in FolderColection Class there is Hashmap hm
public class folderCollection{
public Map<String,Folder>FolderCollection = new HashMap<String,Folder>();
public void addFolder(Folder folder){
String folderKey = folder.getKey();
FolderCollection.put(folderKey, folder);
In Folder class
public Class Folder{
// Not a complete code , but an idea of a code
String name;
String dateOfcreation;
private FolderCollection folderCollection = new FolderCollection();
// Folder can also have many sub folders
//More variables
// all get set methods
Now for example : all are folders
A, B , C Folders are in FolderCollection. As A is also a folder and it contains FolderCollection (Folder Aa , Folder Ab). Similarly Folder Aa has FolderCollection of (Folder Aa1, Folder Aa2).
I able to make this which i have explained above.
I have difficulty in Accesing the object for example object of Folder Aa1. Suppose I want to change the name of Folder Aa2, for that i have to iterate till that object.
Please Help me to solve this.
i have path as all the folder names are added in tree widget accordint to the parentsTreeItem.
ex: if i have to change name of Aa2 then I have
String [] path ={A,Aa,Aa2};
Some Help me with this will be of great Help.
If you have the path you don't have to iterate through the hashmap, just get the value for each path element from the respective folder collection.