I need to draw vertical and horizontal rectangle / bands (like in Gantt charts) on the HTML 5 / JavaScript Tee charts.
I could draw a rectangle using the Bar series as below but I want the rectangle to float on a particular XY cor-ordinate rather standing from the x axis.
var series1 = new Tee.Bar();
series1.data.values = [30000];
//alert(" openValues[y] "+ openValues[y] + " closeValues[y] "+ closeValues[y] );
series1.data.x = [ (openValues[y] + closeValues[y]) /2 ];
series1.format.shadow.visible = false;
series1.format.lineCap = "round";
series1.format.stroke.fill = "#D3D3D3";
series1.format.stroke.size = .5;
series1.colorEach = "auto";
series1.format.join = "round";
series1.format.cap = "square";
//series1.format.transparent =1;
series1.color = "silver";
series1.marks.visible = false;
//series1.hover.shadow =false;
series1.hover.stroke.size =.01;
Is it possible to just draw a rectangle using HTML 5 / Javascript Teecharts. I want to to draw rectangles like in gantt chart with specific x1,y1,x2 and y2 values.
I tried using the Format Object in Teecharts but it didn't help
The next TeeChart Javascript v1.1 will incude the Gantt Series. Here it is the demo: http://www.steema.us/files/jscript/demos/series/gantt/gantt.htm
We'll be glad to hear any comment about it.
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