I am using the Cloud Zoom jQuery plugin for the 'inner zoom' function (link to plugin page). I want it so that when someone is hovering over an image, they can click on the zoomed-in image to go to a link. Does anyone know how this is accomplished?
Thanks in advance!
Cloud-Zoom generates a div called "wrap" on each image that is using the cloud-zoom. We can add a "click" capability to the #wrap div using jQuery. In this example, we'll make a custom attribute called "myurl" where you'll specify where you want the image to link to.
In your <head>
jQuery(window).load( function() {
jQuery('div#wrap').click(function(){ window.location=$(this).find("a").attr("myurl");
return false; });
Then you'll add myurl="http://www.website.com"
to the <a>
of each cloud-zoomed image. Your html should look like this:
<a href='main.jpg' myurl="http://www.bungy.com/" class='cloud-zoom'
rel="position: 'inside', adjustX: 0, adjustY: 0, showTitle: false">
<img src="thumb.jpg" style="opacity: 1;"/>
Let me know how this works out for ya.