Here are my two models:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :content
has_many :comments
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :content
belongs_to :article
And I'm trying to seed the database in seed.rb using this code:
content: "Hi! This is my first article!",
comments: [{content: "It sucks"}, {content: "Best article ever!"}]
without_protection: true)
However rake db:seed gives me the following error message:
rake aborted!
Comment(#28467560) expected, got Hash(#13868840)
Tasks: TOP => db:seed
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
It is possible to seed the database like this?
If yes a follow-up question: I've searched some and it seems that to do this kind of (nested?) mass assignment I need to add 'accepts_nested_attributes_for' for the attributes I want to assign. (Possibly something like 'accepts_nested_attributes_for :article' for the Comment model)
Is there a way to allow this similar to the 'without_protection: true'? Because I only want to accept this kind of mass assignment when seeding the database.
The reason you are seeing this error is that when you assign an associated model to another model (as in @article.comment = comment), it is expected that the right hand side be an actual object, not a hash of the object attributes.
If you want to create an article by passing in parameters for a comment, you need to include
accepts_nested_attributes_for :comments
in the article model and add :comments_attributes
to the attr_accesible
This should allow for what you've written above.
I don't believe it is possible to have conditional mass-assignment as this might compromise security (from a design standpoint).
EDIT: You also need to change comments: [{content: "It sucks"}, {content: "Best article ever!"}]
to comments_attributes: [{content: "It sucks"}, {content: "Best article ever!"}]