Anyone know how to get the id of multiple placemarks each one created with the following code:
terrainPlacemark = makePlacemark(hitTestResult.getLatitude(), hitTestResult.getLongitude(),
hitTestResult.getAltitude(), ge.ALTITUDE_ABSOLUTE, 'T');
//set placemark name
terrainPlacemark.setName("placemark" + counter);
//set the placemark on the map
function makePlacemark(lat, lng, alt, altMode, iconStr) {
var icon = ge.createIcon('');
icon.setHref('' + iconStr + '.png');
var style = ge.createStyle('');
style.getIconStyle().getHotSpot().set(0.5, ge.UNITS_FRACTION, 0, ge.UNITS_FRACTION);
var pt = ge.createPoint('');
pt.set(lat, lng, alt, altMode, false, false);
var pm = ge.createPlacemark('');
return pm;
They are created on a click of google earth api.
They don't have an ID, because you explicitly did not set one by passing in an empty string to the createPlacemark
Instead, try ge.createPlacemark('anyUniqueID')