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How to setup java libraries with javaloader in Coldfusion8?

I'm trying to get javaLoader to run in a Coldfusion8 application and I need some help to get me across the finish line.

This is what I have so far:

Inside application.cfc:

THIS.mappings["/javaloader"] = GetDirectoryFromPath( GetCurrentTemplatePath() ) & "tools/javaloader";

<cffunction name="onApplicationStart" returnType="boolean" output="false" hint="application initalizer">
    Application.str = structNew();
    Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey = "someUUID_javaloader";
    Application.str.jarPaths = arrayNew(1);
    <cfif ( NOT structKeyExists(server, Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey) )>
        <!--- add path to class files to jarPath Array --->
        <cfset Application.str.jarPaths[1] = expandPath("/classes/BCrypt.class")>
        <!--- this will map out to: ...htdocs/classes/BCrypt.class --->

        <cfif ( NOT structKeyExists(server, Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey) )>
            <cflock name="#Hash(Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey)#" type="exclusive" timeout="10">
                <cfset server[Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey] = createObject("component", "javaloader.JavaLoader")>
                <!--- tried .init(Application.str.jarPaths) here, but didn't do anything --->
    <cfreturn true />

This was done following instructions from here and here.

In my handler.cfc, I'm trying to access javaloader and the BCrypt class like so:

    pass = "some_password";
    <!--- this is accessible --->
    cryptonite = server[Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey];
    <!--- now trying to call init() with respective path to create an instance --->
    <!--- BREAKS HERE --->
    bCrypt = cryptonite.init(Application.str.jarPaths[1]);

    hashed = bCrypt.hashpw(pass, bcrypt.gensalt());        

I can dump the cryptonite variable allright, but when I try to create the instance of BCrypt, the script fails.

I'm happy I made it this far, but I've been sitting on this for a few hours now with no clue what I'm doing wrong. Hopefully someone with more insight can point me in a direction?

Thanks for help!


  • Ok. There were a couple of mistakes.

    To setup Javaloader with Coldfusion8 and BCrypt or a Java Class of your choice, do the following:

    1) Put whatever Java Classes (the .java file, not the .class file) in a folder in your webroot/htdocs(Apache). My path for BCrypt looks like this:


    2) Do the same for javaloader. My path looks like this:


    3) In Application.cfc:

    <!--- create mapping to javaloder --->
        THIS.mappings["/javaloader"] = GetDirectoryFromPath( GetCurrentTemplatePath() ) & "tools/javaloader";
    <!--- Application start --->
    <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" returnType="boolean" output="false" hint="">
            <!--- store a UUID and emptry path array in Application scope --->
            Application.str = structNew(); 
            Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey = "your_uuid_javaloader";
            Application.str.jarPaths = arrayNew(1);
         <!--- check if exists --->
        <cfif ( NOT structKeyExists(server, Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey) )>
             <!--- put all paths to your .java files here, this is for JBCrypt --->
             <cfset Application.str.jarPaths[1] = expandPath("/classes/jBCrypt-0.3")>
             <cfif ( NOT structKeyExists(server, Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey) )>
                <cflock name="#Hash(Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey)#" type="exclusive" timeout="10">
                    <!--- create javaloader object and init with all submitted paths --->
                    <cfset server[Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey] = createObject("component", "javaloader.JavaLoader").init(sourceDirectories=Application.str.jarPaths )>

    The setup should be in the application scope as per here. This should set up all .java classes which you can now reference from elsewhere like so:

        var pass = "a_password";
        javaLoader = server[Application.str.myJavaLoaderKey];
        // create an instance of javaloader-BCrypt
        bcrypt = javaLoader.create("BCrypt").init();
        // now you can call methods from bcrypt like so:
        hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(pass, bcrypt.gensalt());

    Figured it out reading through here. Turns out you have to refer to the .java file and not the .class file, which I initally did.

    The following links may also be helpful: