I have a simple Formtastic form with nested model as follow.
<%= semantic_form_for @event do |form| %>
<%= form.input :user_id , :as => :hidden, :value => @user.id %>
<%= form.input :title %>
<%= form.input :invitations, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => Group.find(:all, :order => "name ASC"), :for => :invitations, :name => "Invitation", :include_blank => false %>
<%= form.buttons %>
<% end %>
Somehow, Formtastic puts my inputs into an unordered list as follow:
I wonder how I can change the setting to fix this.
Also, for the checkbox, Formtastic automatically add a nill option:
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"XXX", "event"=>{"title"=>"test 15", "type"=>"", "invitation_ids"=>["", "2", "1"]}, "commit"=>"Create Event"}
How should I fix this?
Thank you.
I had this exact same issue. Here's how I fixed it:
<div class="some_class">
<%= semantic_form_for @event do |form| %>
<%= form.input :user_id , :as => :hidden, :value => @user.id %>
<%= form.input :title %>
<%= form.input :invitations, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => Group.find(:all, :order => "name ASC"), :for => :invitations, :name => "Invitation", :include_blank => false %>
<%= form.buttons %>
<%= end %>
.some_class {
li {
I'm not certain that this is the absolute correct way to solve the problem, but for me it has done what I wanted it to do. Hope this helps!
I had tried adding a class to the forms specifically, but that wasn't targeting the 'li' since it was a child of that element. Since formtastic creates the 'li', I decided to go to the parent element of the 'li' and target it from the top down.