The default keyboard shortcut for open resource in Eclipse is Ctrl+Shift+R. It is also the case in Aptana, but there also seems to be a conflicting key since when clicked it brings up a context menu with 2 options "Run" and "Open Resource". How to I avoid having this context menu pop up?
I tried to go to the preferences and look for conflicting key-bindings but I could not find it. I am also not sure what "Run" command is actually bound (I tried searching based on the key combination, that did not seem to have worked).
it seems to me that what you want is to edit Aptana's Ruble files
take a look at Modifying the Built-In Bundles
and also Ruble specifications might help.
By the way, Aptana stores rubles in a directory called "Aptana Rubles", which you'll find in your user Documents directory (on Mac or Linux) or in your "User" directory (Windows)
Tutorial with more details here: Editing Aptana Key Shortcuts and rebinding commands such as open resource