In JasperReports Server Pro 4.5, is there any way to force the program to open reports/repository elements in a new browser tab or window?
You should be able to fix that by updating the relevant JavaScript file to force everything to open in a new tab. In JRS 4.5.1 it's line 766 in the file .../jasperserver-pro/scripts/
repositorySearch.RedirectAction.createRunResourceAction = function(resource, inNewTab) {
if (!resource) {
resource = resource ? resource : repositorySearch.model.getSelectedResources()[0];
var factoryMethod = repositorySearch.runActionFactory[resource.typeSuffix()];
if (factoryMethod) {
/* return factoryMethod(resource, inNewTab); this was the original */
return factoryMethod(resource, true);
} else {
return new repositorySearch.Action(function() {
alert("Run action for resource type '" + resource.resourceType + "' is not implemented!");
I cannot claim credit for figuring it out. Thanks to Igor Nesterenko for this solution.