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How can I create a div with CSS from data from a form using jquery?

I've got some maths being calculated that I then output in a div in a


What I'd love to do is create a div with CSS that takes it's values from the calculated results...

Something like this -

$("#code-results").append("<div style=" width: "OriginalResult", margin: "MarginResult" >This is some custom text</div>");

Where OriginalResult and MarginResult are the calculated results from my form inputted maths.

But I can't get this to work. I'm guessing it's how I'm adding it the CSS.

Any ideas?


To make this a bit more clearer (here's the JSFiddle - )

The JS to get form data and calculate it which then appendTo's the results correctly is this

function round(fValue, iDecimals) { var iPow = Math.pow(10, iDecimals); return Math.round(fValue * iPow) / iPow; }

function div(fNumerator, fDenominator) { return (fDenominator == 0 ? 0 : fNumerator / fDenominator); }

$(document).ready(function() {

$(function(){ $("#result").submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault();

var ele = $("#element").val(),
    target = parseInt($("#target").val(), 10) || 0,
    context = parseInt($("#context").val(), 10) || 0,
    border = parseInt($("#border").val(), 10) || 0,
    margin = parseInt($("#margin").val(), 10) || 0,
    padding = parseInt($("#padding").val(), 10) || 0;

console.log(ele, target, context, border, margin, padding);

var DoubleMargin = margin * 2;
var DoublePadding = padding * 2;
var DoubleBorder = border * 2;

var ActualTarget = target - DoubleBorder - DoubleMargin - DoublePadding * 1;
var result3 = target - DoubleMargin * 1;
var MarginResult = round(div(margin, target) * 100, 5);
var PaddingResult = round(div(padding, target) * 100, 5);
var OriginalResult = round(div(ActualTarget, context) * 100, 5);

var BorderResult = target - border * 1;

//$(".result").append(ele + " " + result + "%");
$("<p></p>", {
    html: ele + " {<br><span>width: " + OriginalResult + "%;" + " /* " + ActualTarget + " (originally " + target + ") / " + context + " */ " + "<br>border: " + border + "px; " + "<br>margin: " + MarginResult + "%; " + "<br>padding: " + PaddingResult+ "%;" + "<br> </span>}"



What I want to create is this kinda thing with the data that fades in on submit with the relevant data and prepends to the #code-results div

$("#example").css({"background-color" : "red", "height" : "200px", "width" : "200px", "margin" : " + MarginResult + %", "padding" : " + PaddingResult + %", "border" : "1px solid black", "border-width" : " + border + px" });

Currently this just creates a 'dumb' div at the moment as you can see from the results.

I'd also love this to 'update/reset' when a new set of form inputs are submitted.

Not much I ask I know...


  • $(document).ready(function() {
        var originalResult = 100;
        var marginResult = 100;
        $("#code-results").html("<div style='width: " + originalResult + "; margin: " + marginResult + "' >This is some custom text</div>");

    The problem was that your quotes were all out of whack. Notice how you can't use double quotes to start the style element unless you escape them, I opted for single quotes instead also notice the semi-colon rather than comma between styles.


    To make this a bit more clearer (here's the JSFiddle - )

    The JS to get form data and calculate it which then appendTo's the results correctly is this

    function round(fValue, iDecimals) {
    var iPow = Math.pow(10, iDecimals);
    return Math.round(fValue * iPow) / iPow;
    function div(fNumerator, fDenominator) {
        return (fDenominator == 0 ? 0 : fNumerator / fDenominator);
    $(document).ready(function() {
    $("#result").submit(function(e) {
        var ele = $("#element").val(),
            target = parseInt($("#target").val(), 10) || 0,
            context = parseInt($("#context").val(), 10) || 0,
            border = parseInt($("#border").val(), 10) || 0,
            margin = parseInt($("#margin").val(), 10) || 0,
            padding = parseInt($("#padding").val(), 10) || 0;
        console.log(ele, target, context, border, margin, padding);
        var DoubleMargin = margin * 2;
        var DoublePadding = padding * 2;
        var DoubleBorder = border * 2;
        var ActualTarget = target - DoubleBorder - DoubleMargin - DoublePadding * 1;
        var result3 = target - DoubleMargin * 1;
        var MarginResult = round(div(margin, target) * 100, 5);
        var PaddingResult = round(div(padding, target) * 100, 5);
        var OriginalResult = round(div(ActualTarget, context) * 100, 5);
        var BorderResult = target - border * 1;
        //$(".result").append(ele + " " + result + "%");
        $("<p></p>", {
            html: ele + " {<br><span>width: " + OriginalResult + "%;" + " /* " + ActualTarget + " (originally " + target + ") / " + context + " */ " + "<br>border: " + border + "px; " + "<br>margin: " + MarginResult + "%; " + "<br>padding: " + PaddingResult+ "%;" + "<br> </span>}"

    What I want to create is this kinda thing with the data that fades in on submit with the relevant data and prepends to the #code-results div

    $("#example").css({"background-color" : "red", "height" : "200px", "width" : "200px", "margin" : " + MarginResult + %", "padding" : " + PaddingResult + %", "border" : "1px solid black", "border-width" : " + border + px" });

    Currently this just creates a 'dumb' div at the moment as you can see from the results.

    I'd also love this to 'update/reset' when a new set of form inputs are submitted.

    Not much I ask I know...