I've written an utility method in Java:
public static final ImmutableSortedSet<TimeUnit> REVERSED_TIMEUNITS = ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(
* Get the number of ..., minutes, seconds and milliseconds
* You can specify a max unit so that you don't get days for exemple
* and can get more than 24 hours if you want to display the result in hours
* The lowest unit is milliseconds
* @param millies
* @param maxTimeUnit
* @return the result map with the higher unit first
public static Map<TimeUnit,Long> getCascadingDateDiff(long millies,TimeUnit maxTimeUnit) {
if ( maxTimeUnit == null ) {
maxTimeUnit = TimeUnit.DAYS;
Map<TimeUnit,Long> map = new TreeMap<TimeUnit,Long>(Collections.<TimeUnit>reverseOrder());
long restInMillies = millies;
Iterable<TimeUnit> forUnits = REVERSED_TIMEUNITS.subSet(maxTimeUnit,TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS); // micros not included
// compute the number of days, then number of hours, then minutes...
for ( TimeUnit timeUnit : forUnits ) {
long numberForUnit = timeUnit.convert(restInMillies,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
restInMillies = restInMillies - timeUnit.toMillis(numberForUnit);
return map;
It works with:
Map<TimeUnit,Long> map = new TreeMap<TimeUnit,Long>(Collections.reverseOrder());
But I first tried with
Map<TimeUnit,Long> map = Maps.newTreeMap(Collections.reverseOrder());
My IntelliJ doesn't say anything, while my compiler says:
DateUtils.java:[302,48] incompatible types; no instance(s) of type variable(s) K,V exist so that java.util.TreeMap conforms to java.util.Map [ERROR] found : java.util.TreeMap [ERROR] required: java.util.Map
It works fine without the comparator:
Map<TimeUnit,Long> map = Maps.newTreeMap();
But I tried with:
Map<TimeUnit,Long> map = Maps.newTreeMap(Collections.<TimeUnit>reverseOrder());
And with:
Map<TimeUnit,Long> map = Maps.newTreeMap(new Comparator<TimeUnit>() {
public int compare(TimeUnit timeUnit, TimeUnit timeUnit1) {
return 0;
And i got the same error. So it seems each time i'm using a comparator in the TreeMap, type inference doesn't work anymore. Why?
The signature of the Guava method is:
public static <C, K extends C, V> TreeMap<K, V> newTreeMap(Comparator<C> comparator)
The expected return type is of type so without a comparator, Java is able to infer that K = TimeUnit and V = Long.
With a comparator of type TimeUnit, Java knows that C is TimeUnit. It also knows that the expected return type is of type so K = TimeUnit and V = Long. K extends C is respected since TimeUnit extends TimeUnit (anyway I tried also with an Object comparator if you think it's wrong...)
So i just wonder why type inference doesn't work in this case?
Like Michael Laffargue suggested, it is an OpenJDK6 type inference bug:
It works fine in my IntelliJ, and with a OpenJDK in version 7, and with others JDK in version 6.
The following suggestion of kutschkem works:
Map<TimeUnit,Long> map = Maps.<TimeUnit,TimeUnit,Long>newTreeMap(Collections.<TimeUnit>reverseOrder());
Notice the <TimeUnit,TimeUnit,Long>
which permits to force the typed parameters explicitly.
Check this related topic: What's this generics usage in Java? X.<Y>method()
Thanks all