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Understanding code specific functional concepts

I am relatively new to struts and java. I have been trying to understand the following piece of code.

 List<LabelValueBean> dbList = getCardProductList();

    ConcurrentMap<Integer, ProductItem> ret = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, ProductItem>();
    for (LabelValueBean lb : dbList) {
        ProductItem pi = new ProductItem();

        LabelValueBeanAuxCol[] aux = lb.getLabelvaluebeanauxcol();

        if (null != aux) {
            for (LabelValueBeanAuxCol element : aux) {
                if (null != element
                        && "PRDCT_SVC_IND".equals(element.getName())) {
        ret.put(pi.getId(), pi);
    return Himms2LookupUtil
            .<ConcurrentMap<Integer, ProductItem>> setValueInCache(
                    Himms2Names.CARD_SERVICE_PRODUCT_LIST, ret);

With repect to the code block around "PRDCT_SVC_IND", how would a name of the column be mapped to the labelvaluebean?
Though I have an idea on the concurrent map and the key value pair functionality, I am pretty unsure about most of the concepts here and have tried searching on the internet without much luck. I would want a more clearer overview of what the above lines actually mean(in general ofcourse), in terms of the concepts used here like the concurrenthashmap, list(labelvaluebean) etc. Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.


  • Code is doing following things :-

    1) Getting CardProductList in first line and storing reference in a dbList object as

    List<LabelValueBean> dbList = getCardProductList();`

    2) Creating ConcurrentMap of key value .

    3) Start iterating CardProductList and perform following operations on each CardProductList object -

    a) Crates ProductItem object.
    b) setting CardProduct object values (id, code, name) into ProductItem object.
    d) setting ProductItem.typeProduct to TRUE.
    c) getting Labelvaluebeanauxcol and store it in a LabelValueBeanAuxCol[] array instance called aux.
    d) now check if aux is not null then iterates aux array and checks if(elemet is not null  AND element name IS EQUAL TO "PRDCT_SVC_IND"
            set ProductItem.TypeProduct to True if element.value = Y
            set ProductItem.TypeProduct to FALE
    e) set ProductItem.NeddSetup = TRUE
    f) set and ProductItem into ConcurrentMap.

    4) Store ConcurrentMap in cache