I'm trying to use ejml library to make LU decomposition of a matrix. All goes well for the calculation of the SVD decomposition, for LU decomposition I don't know to use ejml library. I would like your help
import java.util.Scanner;
import org.ejml.alg.dense.decomposition.CholeskyDecomposition;
import org.ejml.alg.dense.decomposition.DecompositionFactory;
import org.ejml.alg.dense.decomposition.DecompositionInterface;
import org.ejml.alg.dense.decomposition.LUDecomposition;
import org.ejml.alg.dense.decomposition.lu.*;
import org.ejml.data.DenseMatrix64F;
import org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix;
import org.ejml.simple.SimpleSVD;
public class autovalori {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double[][] matrix;
double[] u;
int r, c, t = 0;
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Insert row matrix: ");
r = scanner.nextInt();//row matrix
System.out.println("Insert columns matrix: ");
c = scanner.nextInt(); //columns matrix
matrix = new double[r][c];
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < c; j++){
System.out.printf("value: " + i + " - " + j);
matrix[i][j] = scanner.nextDouble();
SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(matrix);
SimpleSVD SVD = A.svd();
SimpleMatrix U = SVD.getU();
SimpleMatrix S = SVD.getV();
SimpleMatrix V = SVD.getW();
The SimpleMatrix interface does not provide a direct way to compute LU decomposition. Instead you will need to compute it from a decomposition algorithm.
SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(10,5);
LUDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> lu = DecompositionFactory.lu(A.numCols());
if( !lu.decompose(A.getMatrix()) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("LU Decomposition failed!");
SimpleMatrix L = SimpleMatrix.wrap(lu.getLower(null));
SimpleMatrix U = SimpleMatrix.wrap(lu.getUpper(null));