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How to add vertical line to posterior density plots using plot.mcmc?

I often run JAGS models on simulated data with known parameters. I like the default plot method for mcmc objects. However, I would like to add an abline(v=TRUE_VALUE) for each parameter that is modelled. This would give me a quick check for whether the posterior is reasonable.

Of course I could do this manually, or presumably reinvent the wheel and write my own function. But I was wondering if there is an elegant way that builds on the existing plot method.

Here's a worked example:


# simulatee data
N <- 100 
Mu <- 100
Sigma <- 15
y <- rnorm(n=N, mean=Mu, sd=Sigma)
jagsdata <- list(y=y)

jags.script <- "
model {
    for (i in 1:length(y)) {
        y[i]  ~ dnorm(mu, tau)
    mu  ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)    
    sigma ~ dunif(0, 1000)
    tau <- 1/sigma^2

mod1 <- jags.model(textConnection(jags.script), data=jagsdata, n.chains=4, 
update(mod1, 200) # burn in
mod1.samples <- coda.samples(model=mod1,
                             variable.names=c('mu', 'sigma'),

enter image description here

I just want to run something like abline(v=100) for mu and abline(v=15) for sigma. Of course in many other examples, I would have 5, 10, 20 or more parameters of interest. Thus, I'm interested in being able to supply a vector of true values for named parameters.

I've had a look at getAnywhere(plot.mcmc). Would modifying that be a good way to go?


  • Okay. So I modified plot.mcmc to look like this:

    my.plot.mcmc <- function (x, trace = TRUE, density = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, bwf, 
        auto.layout = TRUE, ask = FALSE, parameters, ...) 
        oldpar <- NULL
        if (auto.layout) {
            mfrow <- coda:::set.mfrow(Nchains = nchain(x), Nparms = nvar(x), 
                nplots = trace + density)
            oldpar <- par(mfrow = mfrow)
        for (i in 1:nvar(x)) {
            y <- mcmc(as.matrix(x)[, i, drop = FALSE], start(x), 
                end(x), thin(x))
            if (trace) 
                traceplot(y, smooth = smooth, ...)
            if (density) {
                if (missing(bwf)) {
                    densplot(y, ...); abline(v=parameters[i])
                } else densplot(y, bwf = bwf, ...)
            if (i == 1) 
                oldpar <- c(oldpar, par(ask = ask))

    Then running the command

    my.plot.mcmc(mod1.samples, parameters=c(Mu, Sigma))

    produces this

    enter image description here

    Note that parameters must be a vector of values in the same sort order as JAGS sorts variables, which seems to be alphabetically and then numerically for vectors.

    Lessons learnt

    • Simply writing a new plot.mcmc didn't work by default presumably because of namespaces. So I just created a new function
    • I had to change set.mfrow to coda:::set.mfrow presumably also because of namespaces.
    • I changed ask to ask=FALSE, because RStudio permits browsing through figures.

    I'd be happy to hear any suggestions about better ways of overriding or adapting existing S3 methods.