I often run JAGS models on simulated data with known parameters. I like the default plot method for mcmc
objects. However, I would like to add an abline(v=TRUE_VALUE)
for each parameter that is modelled. This would give me a quick check for whether the posterior is reasonable.
Of course I could do this manually, or presumably reinvent the wheel and write my own function. But I was wondering if there is an elegant way that builds on the existing plot
Here's a worked example:
# simulatee data
N <- 100
Mu <- 100
Sigma <- 15
y <- rnorm(n=N, mean=Mu, sd=Sigma)
jagsdata <- list(y=y)
jags.script <- "
model {
for (i in 1:length(y)) {
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu, tau)
mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
sigma ~ dunif(0, 1000)
tau <- 1/sigma^2
mod1 <- jags.model(textConnection(jags.script), data=jagsdata, n.chains=4,
update(mod1, 200) # burn in
mod1.samples <- coda.samples(model=mod1,
variable.names=c('mu', 'sigma'),
I just want to run something like abline(v=100)
for mu and abline(v=15)
for sigma. Of course in many other examples, I would have 5, 10, 20 or more parameters of interest. Thus, I'm interested in being able to supply a vector of true values for named parameters.
I've had a look at getAnywhere(plot.mcmc)
. Would modifying that be a good way to go?
Okay. So I modified plot.mcmc
to look like this:
my.plot.mcmc <- function (x, trace = TRUE, density = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, bwf,
auto.layout = TRUE, ask = FALSE, parameters, ...)
oldpar <- NULL
if (auto.layout) {
mfrow <- coda:::set.mfrow(Nchains = nchain(x), Nparms = nvar(x),
nplots = trace + density)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = mfrow)
for (i in 1:nvar(x)) {
y <- mcmc(as.matrix(x)[, i, drop = FALSE], start(x),
end(x), thin(x))
if (trace)
traceplot(y, smooth = smooth, ...)
if (density) {
if (missing(bwf)) {
densplot(y, ...); abline(v=parameters[i])
} else densplot(y, bwf = bwf, ...)
if (i == 1)
oldpar <- c(oldpar, par(ask = ask))
Then running the command
my.plot.mcmc(mod1.samples, parameters=c(Mu, Sigma))
produces this
Note that parameters
must be a vector of values in the same sort order as JAGS sorts variables, which seems to be alphabetically and then numerically for vectors.
didn't work by default presumably because of namespaces. So I just created a new functionset.mfrow
to coda:::set.mfrow
presumably also because of namespaces.ask=FALSE
, because RStudio permits browsing through figures.I'd be happy to hear any suggestions about better ways of overriding or adapting existing S3 methods.