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Installing IMP eclipse plugin

I have my eclipse plugin developed with IMP. I need to export the plugin so it can be installed on other machines. I tried to export using:

File->Export->Deployable plugin and fragments

and saved it in zipfile. I took the jar created and put it under eclipse/plugins. After restarting eclipse I still don't have the plugin enabled. I checked under the Plugin registry view and it seems inactive. the Diagnose option gave the following information:

Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7

I checked my MANIFEST.MF file and it does contain the line:

Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7

any ideas?


  • You created the plug-in using Java 1.7, while the target Eclipse was using 1.6 or 1.5. You could alter the dependencies of your plug-in by

    1. changing the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment to JavaSE-1.6 or J2SE-1.5
    2. and updating the build path to the older Java source bundles: Project properties/Java build path, and edit the JRE System Library element.

    Btw, it is a better idea of creating an update site instead of putting the plug-ins directly into the eclipse/plugins directory - it can cause any number of errors during installation that are hard to debug. For details, see my corresponding blog post (sry for the self-advertisement):