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GXT Editor Grid not showing any rows

I have GXT layout container with an editor grid. The data to be shown in the grid is fetched via a GWT-RPC service and then added to the grid's store. The problem is the grid never shows anything but I checked using my IDE's debugger that the list is not empty (it contains one element).

Here are some snippets:

The DTO:

public class CompetitionWinnerDTO extends BaseModelData implements IsSerializable {

    public static enum Status implements IsSerializable {
        pending, approved, paid

    public static class Property implements IsSerializable {
        public static final String COMPETITION_ID = "competitionId";
        public static final String COMPETITION_WINNER_ID = "competitionWinnerId";
        public static final String CONFIRM_DATE = "confirmDate";
        public static final String SITE_NAME = "siteName";
        public static final String PRIZE_NAME = "prizeName";
        public static final String PRIZE_VALUE = "prizeValue";
        public static final String PAID_DATE = "paidDate";
        public static final String WINNER_NAME = "winnerName";
        public static final String WINNER_QUOTE = "winnerQuote";
        public static final String WINNER_ADDRESS = "winnerAddress";
        public static final String WINNER_TOWN = "winnerTown";

    private Status status;

    public CompetitionWinnerDTO() {

    public int getCompetitionId() {
        return ((Integer) get(Property.COMPETITION_ID)).intValue();

    public void setCompetitionId(int competitionId) {
        set(Property.COMPETITION_WINNER_ID, new Integer(competitionId));

    public int getCompetitionWinnerId() {
        return ((Integer) get(Property.COMPETITION_WINNER_ID)).intValue();

    public void setCompetitionWinnerId(int competitionWinnerId) {
        set(Property.COMPETITION_WINNER_ID, new Integer(competitionWinnerId));

    public Date getConfirmDate() {
        return get(Property.CONFIRM_DATE);

    public void setConfirmDate(Date confirmDate) {
        set(Property.CONFIRM_DATE, confirmDate);

    public Date getPaidDate() {
        return get(Property.PAID_DATE);

    public void setPaidDate(Date paidDate) {
        set(Property.PAID_DATE, paidDate);

    public String getPrizeName() {
        return get(Property.PRIZE_NAME);

    public void setPrizeName(String prizeName) {
        set(Property.PRIZE_NAME, prizeName);

    public int getPriceValue() {
        return ((Integer) get(Property.PRIZE_VALUE)).intValue();

    public void setPrizeValue(int prizeValue) {
        set(Property.PRIZE_VALUE, new Integer(prizeValue));

    public String getSiteName() {
        return get(Property.SITE_NAME);

    public void setSiteName(String siteName) {
        set(Property.SITE_NAME, siteName);

    public Status getStatus() {
        return status;

    public void setStatus(Status status) {
        this.status = status;

    public String getWinnerName() {
        return get(Property.WINNER_NAME);

    public void setWinnerName(String winnerName) {
        set(Property.WINNER_NAME, winnerName);

    public String getWinnerAddress() {
        return get(Property.WINNER_ADDRESS);

    public void setWinnerAddress(String winnerAddress) {
        set(Property.WINNER_ADDRESS, winnerAddress);

    public String getWinnerTown() {
        return get(Property.WINNER_TOWN);

    public void setWinnerTown(String winnerTown) {
        set(Property.WINNER_TOWN, winnerTown);

    public String getWinnerQuote() {
        return get(Property.WINNER_QUOTE);

    public void setWinnerQuote(String winnerQuote) {
        set(Property.WINNER_QUOTE, winnerQuote);


Initialization of the grid in the UI:

private final List<ColumnConfig> quoteApprovalConfig = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>();
ColumnConfig column = new ColumnConfig(CompetitionWinnerDTO.Property.CONFIRM_DATE, "Date Confirmed", 100);


column = new ColumnConfig(CompetitionWinnerDTO.Property.PRIZE_NAME, "Prize", 100);

column = new ColumnConfig(CompetitionWinnerDTO.Property.WINNER_NAME, "Winner", 100);

column = new ColumnConfig(CompetitionWinnerDTO.Property.WINNER_QUOTE, "Quote", 300);
final TextArea text = new TextArea();
column.setEditor(new CellEditor(text));

column = new ColumnConfig(CompetitionWinnerDTO.Property.WINNER_QUOTE, "Prize", 75);
column.setRenderer(new TableRenderers.CurrencyRenderer(DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE));

private final ColumnModel quoteApprovalColumns = new ColumnModel(quoteApprovalConfig);
private final EditorGrid<CompetitionWinnerDTO> quoteApprovalGrid = new EditorGrid<CompetitionWinnerDTO>(quoteApprovalStore, quoteApprovalColumns);
quoteApprovalGrid.setWidth(LeadIntelConstants.SITE_WIDTH - 25 - 15);

And the code where I invoke the GWT-RPC service and fill the store with the results:

private void refreshQuoteApproval() {
            CompetitionWinnerDTO.Status.pending, new AsyncCallback<List<CompetitionWinnerDTO>>() {
        protected void onSuccess(List<CompetitionWinnerDTO> result) {

private void setQuoteApprovalWinners(List<CompetitionWinnerDTO> quoteApprovalWinners) {
    if (quoteApprovalWinners != null) {

As I said, I can see that returned list is not empty, execution reaches quoteApprovalStore.add(quoteApprovalWinners); without any problem and the list contains one element.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • right, I found the problem, there were two columns with the same ID:

    this one:

    column = new ColumnConfig(CompetitionWinnerDTO.Property.WINNER_QUOTE, "Quote", 300);

    and this other one:

    column = new ColumnConfig(CompetitionWinnerDTO.Property.WINNER_QUOTE, "Prize", 75);

    just changing the latter's id to a unique one solved the issue.

    P.S.: It would be great if GXT could warn about this