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Using a semi transparent texture to "mask" out a part of the background

I am attempting to create a "hole in the fog" effect. I have a background grid image, overlapped onto that I have a "fog" texture that I use to show that certain areas are not in view. I am attempting to cut a chunk out of "fog" that will show the area that is currently in view. I am trying to "mask" a part of the fog off the screen.

I made some images to help explain what I am after:


"Mask Image" (The full transparency has to be on the inside and not the outer rim for what I am going to use it for):


Fog (Sorry, hard to see.. Mostly Transparent):


What I want as a final Product:

Final Product

I have tried:

  • Stencil-Buffer: I got this fully working except for one fact... I wasn't able to figure out how to retain the fading transparency of the "mask" image.
  • glBlendFunc: I have tried many different version of the parameters and many other methods with it (glColorMask, glBlendEquation, glBlendFuncSeparate) I started by using some parameter that I found on this website: here. I used the "glBlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);" as this seemed to be what I was looking for but... This is what ended up happening as a result: (Its hard to tell what is happening here but... There is fog covering the grid in the background. Though, the mask is just ending up as an fully opaque black blob when its supposed to be a transparent part in the fog.
    Result of glBlendFunc

Some previous code:

glEnable(GL_BLEND); // This is not really called here... It is called on the init function of the program as it is needed all the way through the rendering cycle.
renderFogTexture(delta, 0.55f); // This renders the fog texture over the background the 0.55f is the transparency of the image. 
glBlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // This is the one I tried from one of the many website I have been to today.
renderFogCircles(delta); // This just draws one (or more) of the mask images to remove the fog in key places.

(I would have posted more code but after I tried many things I started removing some old code as it was getting very cluttered (I "backed them up" in block comments))


  • This is doable, provided that you're not doing anything with the alpha of the framebuffer currently.

    Step 1: Make sure that the alpha of the framebuffer is cleared to zero. So your glClearColor call needs to set the alpha to zero. Then call glClear as normal.

    Step 2: Draw the mask image before you draw the "fog". As Tim said, once you blend with your fog, you can't undo that. So you need the mask data there first.

    However, you also need to render the mask specially. You only want the mask to modify the framebuffer's alpha. You don't want it to mess with the RGB color. To do that, use this function: glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE). This turns off writes to the RGB part of the color; thus, only the alpha will be modified.

    Your mask texture seems to have zero where it is visible and one where it isn't. However, the algorithm needs the opposite, so you should either fix your texture or use a glTexEnv mode that will effectively flip the alpha.

    After this step, your framebuffer should have an alpha of 0 where we want to see the fog, and an alpha of 1 where we don't.

    Also, don't forget to undo the glColorMask call after rendering the mask. You need to get those colors back.

    Step 3: Render the fog. That's easy enough; to make the masking work, you need a special blend mode. Like this one:


    The separation between the RGB and A blend portions is important. You don't want to change the framebuffer's alpha (just in case you want to render more than one layer of fog).

    And you're done.