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Lock windows phone emulator

I am making a app for windows phone. I use visual studio 2010 and the windows phone sdk which includes the windows phone emulator. My program crashes when i lock the phone's screen (actual device). So i decided to fix this issue. but now i found out that there is no way to debug this because the emulators screen can't be locked.

Is there any way to lock (screen of) the window phone emulator?


  • There are replacement emulator ROMS that some clever developers have created/hacked, like

    They enable additional features, including screen lock/unlock, that MS chose to turn off in the basic emulator.

    Best try find the latest, and best-rated, version of these replacement ROMS before attempting them.

    Also please note as they repeat in that article:

    This modified emulator image is not official, and isn’t sanctioned by Microsoft. Use your own judgment when choosing to download and use the emulator