The mongoDB API documentation seems to be lacking in this area. I am trying to use the aggregate function to get a count of popular tags in a certain collection. Here is the command I wish to execute:
{ aggregate : "articles",
pipeline : [ { $unwind : "$Tags" },
{ $group : { _id : "$Tags", count : { $sum : 1 } }
} ]});
When I execute this using the shell, I get the following:
"result": [{
"_id": "2012",
"count": 3
}, {
"_id": "seattle",
"count": 5
"ok": 1
I'm using c# 4.0, so I guess I would prefer to get this back as a dynamic object, but I'll take whatever I can get...
FWIW, I am using mongoDB for Windows, 32 bit, v2.1.1 (Nightly)
Here's the corresponding C# Driver Doc page: RunCommand(). So basically you call Database.RunCommand("MyCommand")
. This ticket in JIRA may come handy for an example of more complex commands requiring (multiple) properties: CSHARP-478