I had a perfectly working code yesterday, in the exact form of:
int lastRecord = 1;
String key = String.format("%08d", Integer.toString(lastRecord));
Which would pad it nicely to 00000001.
Now I kicked it up a notch with twoKeyChar getting a string from a table and lastRecord getting an int from a table.
As you can see the concept is essentially the same - I convert an int to a string and try to pad it with 0s; however, this time I get the following error:
java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: d != java.lang.String
The code is below:
String newPK = null;
String twoCharKey = getTwoCharKey(tablename);
if (twoCharKey != null) {
int lastRecord = getLastRecord(tablename);
//The println below outputs the correct values: "RU" and 11.
//Now just to make it RU00000011
newPK = String.format("%08d", Integer.toString(lastRecord));
newPK = twoCharKey.concat(newPK);
I feel like I must have typed something wrong, because there is no reason for it to break since the last time when it worked. Any help/hint is appreciated! Thank You!
You don't need the Integer.toString()
newPK = String.format("%08d", lastRecord);
will do the conversion and the padding.