I am trying to read mxArray from matlab into my custom made .cu file. I have two sparse matrices to operate on. How do I read them inside cusp sparse matrices say A and B ( or in cuSPARSE matrices), so that I can perform operations and return them back to matlab. One idea that I could come up with is to write mxArrays in .mtx file and then read from it. But again, are there any alternatives?
Further, I am trying understand the various CUSP mechanisms using the examples posted on its website.But every I try to compile and run the examples, I am getting the following error.
terminate called after throwing an instance of
what(): N6thrust6system6detail9bad_allocE: CUDA driver version is
insufficient for CUDA runtime version
Here are the stuff that is installed on the machine that I am using.
CUDA v4.2
Thrust v1.6
Cusp v0.3
I am using GTX 480 with Linux x86_64 on my machine. Strangely enough, code for device query is also returning this output.
CUDA Device Query...
There are 0 CUDA devices.
Press any key to exit...
I updated my drivers and SDK few days. Not sure whats wrong.
I know, I am asking a lot in one questions but I am facing this problem from quite a while and upgrading and downgrading the drivers doesn't seem to solve.
This error is most revealing, "CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version". You definitely need to update your driver.
I use CUSPARSE/CUSP through Jacket's Sparse Linear Algebra library. It's been good, but I wish there were more sparse features available in CUSPARSE/CUSP. I hear Jacket is going to get CULA Sparse into it soon, so that'll be nice.