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How to timeout subprocess in Ruby

I want to test that a process is working so I run:

cmd = "my unix command"
results = `#{cmd}`

How can I add a timeout to the command so that if it takes more than x seconds I can assume that it is not working?


  • Ruby ships witrh the Timeout module.

    require 'timeout'
    res = ""
    status = Timeout::timeout(5) {res = `#{cmd}`} rescue Timeout::Error
    # a bit of experimenting:
    res = nil
    status = Timeout::timeout(1) {res = `sleep 2`} rescue Timeout::Error 
    p res    # nil
    p status # Timeout::Error
    res = nil
    status = Timeout::timeout(3) {res = `sleep 2`} rescue Timeout::Error 
    p res    # ""
    p status # ""