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Error exporting a document in google docs api

I'm trying to retrieve a document like this:

  String contentUri = ""+ entry.getDocId()
                            + "&exportFormat=txt&format=txt";

  MediaContent mc = new MediaContent();

  MediaSource ms = client.getMedia(mc);
  InputStream inStream = ms.getInputStream();

But am getting the next error: handleResponse ADVERTENCIA: Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {authsub=WWW-Authenticate: AuthSub realm=""}

Do not why if my client is authenticated, hope some one can help, thanks in advance.


  • Maybe this will help:

    1. Replace docId parameter with id parameter

      contentUri = "" + entry.getDocId() + "&exportFormat=txt&format=txt";
    2. Use directly the method for obtaining the uri (This is recommended)

      String contentUri = ((MediaContent) entry.getContent()).getUri();
      contentUri = contentUri + "&exportFormat=txt&format=txt";