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Modeling DFA and NFA using HashMap Implementation

I have to implement the following operations over automata in Java:

  • Concatenation
  • Kleene Star
  • Union
  • Intersection

Those operations are easier if the automaton is an NFA. I liked the implementation given in the following link Modelling a Finite Deterministic Automaton via this data but I think this does not fit well when modeling NFA, because of the key uniqueness restriction. Would you recommend me any workaround to modeling NFAs?


  • As someone who actually implemented these operations once (when building a scanner generator), I recommend building up the automaton as an NFA, then using an algorithm like the subset construction or Thompson's algorithm to convert it down to a DFA. This keeps the logic for combining automata together simple and elegant without sacrificing the speed of the resulting matching automaton.

    Hope this helps!