I'm a little in awe on how my first Cfmails are looking.
Problem is, I'm using variables for both text and content and I would still like to have some sort of spacing.
For example, if I have:
<cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="No">
SUBJECT="#tx_automailer_register_subject# - #Local.User.Comp#">
#tx_automailer_register_iln#: #Local.User.iln#
#tx_firma#: #Local.User.firma#
#tx_ansprechpartner#: #Local.User.ansprechpartner#
#tx_adresse#: #Local.User.adresse#
#tx_plz#: #Local.User.plz#
#tx_ort#: #Local.User.ort#
The only place this looks nice is my cfc :-) In the mail itself everything is going bazooka.
Is there a way to space this? I have also tried to space according to length of variables, but this also does not really do any good and I'm not really keen on doing math for this...
Thanks for help!
If you're set on plaintext email and are confident that the recipient will be using a fixed-width font, you can use lJustify() to align your text and pad with spaces.
Left justifies characters in a string of a specified length.
#lJustify(tx_automailer_register_iln & ":",32)# #lJustify(Local.User.iln,25)#
#lJustify(tx_firma & ":",32)# #lJustify(Local.User.firma,25)#
#lJustify(tx_ansprechpartner & ":",32)# #lJustify(Local.User.ansprechpartner,25)#
#lJustify(tx_adresse & ":",32)# #lJustify(Local.User.adresse,25)#
#lJustify(tx_plz & ":",32)# #lJustify(Local.User.plz,25)#
#lJustify(tx_ort & ":",32)# #lJustify(Local.User.ort,25)#