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How to get Adobe Reader full path(including executable file name)?

it's possible? I need to get the full path of Adobe Reader including the executable name. I'm looking for on windows registries, the closer that I did was found the full path without executable name. Thanks in advance.

my code:

var adobe = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software").OpenSubKey("Adobe").OpenSubKey("Acrobat Reader");
var version = adobe.GetSubKeyNames().First();
var path = adobe.OpenSubKey(version).OpenSubKey("installer").GetValue("path");

Thanks in advance.


  • One of these should do it for you:

        var adobe = Registry.LocalMachine
                            .OpenSubKey("App Paths")
        var path = adobe.GetValue("");
        var adobeOtherWay = Registry.LocalMachine
        var pathOtherWay = adobeOtherWay.GetValue("");

    Pick one and run with it ;)