In GNU Emacs, I could use something like a hypothetical "flyexist.el" - I have a buffer with absolute (Unix) file names in it (plus some additional text around them). Most of those files exist, but some are missing. I would like to run a function that highlights me the missing files (maybe with a red overlay). This function would need to figure out which of the text in the buffer looks like a file name (some false positives are okay) and then work on it with file-exists-p.
For example, assume that my buffer contains
Some random text mentioning /file/that/does/exist.txt,
some more random text, and a /file/that/does/not-exist.txt
I want to have the second file highlighted.
Does something like this exist already?
I am new to emacs hacking... Here is my "minor-mode" version.
(defvar filehi-path-re "\\([/$][[:alnum:]$-_.]+\\)+"
"Regexp used for path matching.")
(defface filehi-file-existing
'((t (:foreground "White" :background "Green")))
"Face for existing files.")
(defface filehi-file-missing
'((t (:foreground "Yellow" :background "Red")))
"Face for missing files.")
(defun filehi-check-and-highlight (start end)
"Check if substring is existing file path and highlight it."
(remove-overlays start end 'name 'filehi-highlight)
(let ((overlay (make-overlay start end)))
(overlay-put overlay 'name 'filehi-highlight)
(overlay-put overlay 'face (if (file-exists-p (substitute-in-file-name
(buffer-substring start end)))
(defun filehi-highlight-file-paths (&optional start end _ignore)
"Run through the buffer and highliht file paths."
(save-match-data ; fixes problem with dabbrev (and may be more...)
(remove-overlays (point-min) end 'name 'filehi-highlight)
(let ((prev-end (point-min)))
(goto-char (point-min)) ; FIXME use something like greedy
; search-backward
(while (and (<= (point) end)
(re-search-forward filehi-path-re nil t))
(filehi-check-and-highlight (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))))
(define-minor-mode filehi-mode
"Minor mode for highlighting existing file paths.
May conflict with other modes..."
nil " Filehi" nil
(if filehi-mode
(progn ; enable mode
(make-local-hook 'after-change-functions)
(filehi-highlight-file-paths (point-min) (point-max))
(add-hook 'after-change-functions 'filehi-highlight-file-paths nil t))
; disable mode
(remove-hook 'after-change-functions 'filehi-highlight-file-paths t)
(remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) 'name 'filehi-highlight)))