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Javascript preformatted text with cross-browser line breaks

I have preformatted strings with line-breaks and multi-spaces and I want to append them into a text node.

<pre id="bar"></pre>

   var string = "Preformatted"
                + "\n"  // \r, \r\n, \n\r or what else?
                + "multispace     string";
   var text = document.createTextNode(string);

I tried to adopt as line breaker:

  • \n breaks lines in all browsers, but in IE (I'm testing on 7) becomes a space
  • \r breaks lines only in IE
  • \r\n works in all browser but in IE the space at beginning of second line is horror
  • \n\r also ok in all, but in IE the space at the end of first line is inacceptable for my layout.

I can't use <br> and innerHTML because IE collapses multi-spaces.
jQuery .text(string) has exactly the same behavior of .appendChild(createTextNode(string))

How can I insert cross-browser line breaks?
Eventually, how can I easily detect if a browser supports \n or \r ?


  • This seemed to work in all browsers I tested (safari, opera, chrome, firefox, ie7, ie8, ie9):


    var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
    textarea.value = "\n";
    var eol = textarea.value.replace(/\r\n/, "\r");
    var string = "Preformatted" + eol + "multispace     string";
    var text = document.createTextNode(string);