I'm trying to use the mount command to mount a directory from a computer here at work onto my Windows machine.
In cygwin, I've tried several variations:
mount machineName:/remote/location/blah /local/location
mount -t nfs machineName:/remote/location/blah /local/location
mount nfs machineName:/remote/location/blah /local/location
mount machineNAme:/remote/location/blah
AND I've tried it with the arguments switched around, etc. etc.... I either get this message :mount: can't find brotula in /etc/fstab or in /etc/fstab.d/$USER
or invalid arguments
. I know I have the paths right because I was using scp just fine.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Have you tried $ mount //machinename/remote/location/blah /local/location
as per the examples in man mount