I have ended up with a constructor that looks like this whilst attempting to end up with an object i can easily test.
public UserProvider(
IFactory<IContainer> containerFactory,
IRepositoryFactory<IUserRepository> userRepositoryFactory,
IFactory<IRoleProvider> roleProviderFactory,
IFactory<IAuthenticationProvider> authenticationProviderFactory,
IFactory<IEmailAdapter> emailAdapterFactory,
IFactory<IGuidAdapter> guidAdapterFactory,
IRepositoryFactory<IVehicleRepository> vehicleRepositoryFactory,
IRepositoryFactory<IUserVehicleRepository> userVehicleRepositoryFactory,
IFactory<IDateTimeAdapter> dateTimeAdapterFactory)
This is all the dependencies the object will have and is the busiest constructor i have. But if someone saw this would it really raise a big wtf?
My aim was to end up with logic that is easy to test. Whilst it requires a good amount of mocks it is certainly very easy to verify my logic. However i am concerned that I may of ended up with too much of a good thing.
I am curious if this is normal for most people implementing ioc.
There are several simplifications I can make - such as I don't really need to pass in the factories for several of the adapters as i could just pass the adapter in directly as it has no internal state. But I am really asking in terms of the number of parameters.
Or more to the point i am looking for assurance that I am not going overboard ;)
But I am beginnign to get the impression that the UserProvider class should be broken down a bit - but then I end up with even more plumbing which is what is driving this concern.
I guess a sub question is maybe should I be considering using a service Locator pattern if I have these concerns?
When using DI and constructor injection violation of the SRP becomes very visible. This is acutally a good thing, and it is not DI / IOC's fault. If you were not using constructor injection, the class would have the same dependencies, it would just not be as visible.
What you could do in your concrete example is hide some of the related dependencies behind facades. For example IVehicleRepository and IUserVehicleRepository could be hidden behind an IVehicle facade. It might also make sense to put IUserRepository, IRoleProvider and IAuthenticationProvider behind a facade.