My main project is an android library. I have created a test project with some unit test in it. the tests run fine, but I am struggling to get the test coverage. When I generate the coverage report, I only get the coverage of the tests cases, but not of the library. So it gives me almost 100% because 100% of the test are running. but that doesn't help me to tell what part of the library has been tested.
This is how I do it at the moment :
0) my project looks like this:
myLibraryProject <- this is my android library project
myLibraryProject/tests <- this is my android test project
1) build.xml file : (from myLibraryProject/tests directory)
>android update test-project --path . -m ../
2) Modify the file :
3) only then can I run :
ant emma debug install test
if I don't do step 2) then step 3) fails because the library project can not be installed
Any help would really be appreciated!
So here is the solution I found:
Create a new build.xml in your test project copy the "test" target from android sdk build.xml file (I have used sdk20 preview 2 version)
modify the sourcepath to point at the library project in the report section
this is the one I use now :
<!-- version-tag: custom -->
<target name="test" depends="-test-project-check"
description="Runs tests from the package defined in test.package property">
<property name="test.runner" value="android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner" />
<if condition="${}">
<property name="tested.project.absolute.dir" location="${tested.project.dir}" />
<!-- Application package of the tested project extracted from its manifest file -->
<xpath input="${tested.project.absolute.dir}/AndroidManifest.xml"
expression="/manifest/@package" output="" />
<!-- this is a test app, the tested package is the app's own package -->
<property name="" value="${}" />
<property name="emma.dump.file" value="/data/data/${}/" />
<if condition="${emma.enabled}">
<echo>WARNING: Code Coverage is currently only supported on the emulator and rooted devices.</echo>
<run-tests-helper emma.enabled="true">
<arg value="-e" />
<arg value="coverageFile" />
<arg value="${emma.dump.file}" />
<echo level="info">Downloading coverage file into project directory...</echo>
<exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="${adb.device.arg}" />
<arg value="pull" />
<arg value="${emma.dump.file}" />
<arg value="" />
<echo level="info">Extracting coverage report...</echo>
<report sourcepath="../${source.dir}" verbosity="${verbosity}">
<dirset dir="${basedir}" >
<include name="../src" />
<infileset dir=".">
<include name="" />
<include name="coverage.em" />
<html outfile="coverage.html" />
<xml outfile="coverage/coverage.xml" />
<echo level="info">Cleaning up temporary files...</echo>
<delete file="" />
<delete file="coverage.em" />
<echo level="info">Saving the report file in ${basedir}/coverage/coverage.html and ${basedir}/coverage/coverage.xml</echo>
<run-tests-helper />