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Stalling a program without Threads

I'm working on this video game with a bunch of monsters that run across the screen. The problem is at one point the monster goes past an area (goes above a y-coordinate) and has to go all the way back up to the top. I've received a suggestion to make this transfer from bottom to top delayed by a random amount of time (0, 1, 2, or 3 seconds). Right now, it just goes up to the top without any break whatsoever. My problem is implementing this break. I tried various methods such as stalling with a loop, as shown below

            // if( monster is below 400 on y-axis
        if( sbgBackFootY[ i ] >= 400 ) {
            // random number that determines how long it will take to go to top
            int randCo = ( int ) ( Math.random() * 3 );

            if( randCo == 0 ) {
                //moves monster to top
                sbgHeadX[ i ] = 200;
                sbgHeadY[ i ] = 80;
                sbgMouthX[ i ] = 206;
                sbgMouthY[ i ] = 110;
                sbgBackX[ i ] = 190;
                sbgBackY[ i ] = 95;
                sbgBackFootX[ i ] = 190;
                sbgBackFootY[ i ] = 115;
                sbgFrontFootX[ i ] = 197;
                sbgFrontFootY[ i ] = 115;
                sbgLeftEyeX[ i ] = 205;
                sbgLeftEyeY[ i ] = 90;
                sbgRightEyeX[ i ] = 215;
                sbgRightEyeY[ i ] = 90;
                sbgLeftEyebrowStartX[ i ] = 203;
                sbgLeftEyebrowStartY[ i ] = 83;
                sbgLeftEyebrowEndX[ i ] = 210;
                sbgLeftEyebrowEndY[ i ] = 90;
                sbgRightEyebrowStartX[ i ] = 220;
                sbgRightEyebrowStartY[ i ] = 83;
                sbgRightEyebrowEndX[ i ] = 215;
                sbgRightEyebrowEndY[ i ] = 90;


            if( randCo == 1 ) {
                //loop is supposed to stall program 
                for( int w = 0; w <= 1000000000; w++ ){
                    SBGco[ i ]++;

                if( SBGco[ i ] == 1000000000 ) {
                    //moves monster to top
                    sbgHeadX[ i ] = 200;
                    sbgHeadY[ i ] = 80;
                    sbgMouthX[ i ] = 206;
                    sbgMouthY[ i ] = 110;
                    sbgBackX[ i ] = 190;
                    sbgBackY[ i ] = 95;
                    sbgBackFootX[ i ] = 190;
                    sbgBackFootY[ i ] = 115;
                    sbgFrontFootX[ i ] = 197;
                    sbgFrontFootY[ i ] = 115;
                    sbgLeftEyeX[ i ] = 205;
                    sbgLeftEyeY[ i ] = 90;
                    sbgRightEyeX[ i ] = 215;
                    sbgRightEyeY[ i ] = 90;
                    sbgLeftEyebrowStartX[ i ] = 203;
                    sbgLeftEyebrowStartY[ i ] = 83;
                    sbgLeftEyebrowEndX[ i ] = 210;
                    sbgLeftEyebrowEndY[ i ] = 90;
                    sbgRightEyebrowStartX[ i ] = 220;
                    sbgRightEyebrowStartY[ i ] = 83;
                    sbgRightEyebrowEndX[ i ] = 215;
                    sbgRightEyebrowEndY[ i ] = 90;


But the computer computes too fast, so the w variable becomes 1000000000 way too fast. The other way to do this is by making threads and going Thread.sleep(randCo) or something, but I am trying to not multi-thread. Is there any other way I can do this?


  • You are probably better off precomputing a path for your sprite and then assign it a velocity. Then, during your "draw" step you compute the location based on the sprite's path, velocity, and time.