Search code examples

How To Alter This Code So That It Only Redirects If There Is No Mouse Movement

I have the following JavaScript which redirects the user to another website (Google in this case):

<script type="text/JavaScript">

However, although I want the website to redirect to another website, I don't want it to redirect for no reason. My aim is for the website to redirect automatically on the condition that the cursor hasn't been moved for a little while.

Is this possible?


  • Something like this should work, although on older MSIE you'd need to use their equivalent of addEventListener()

    var timer = null;
    function goAway() {
        timer = setTimeout(function() {
            window.location = '';
        }, 5000);
    window.addEventListener('mousemove', goAway, true);
    goAway();  // start the first timer off

    ​All it does is ensure that every time the mouse is moved the timer is cleared, and then started up again.

    Demo at, although cross frame security stops it working correctly there.