From my research and understanding, the ContextMenuStrip is supposed to be the successor to the ContextMenu and, in the spirit of keeping my code updated and sound, I set out to replace one such instance of a ContextMenu.
Previously, to give a MenuItem a sub-menu of items with click handlers, I was doing something like:
MenuItem[] clearMenu = {
new MenuItem("All", clear_all_click),
new MenuItem("Text", clear_text_click),
new MenuItem("Images", clear_images_click),
new MenuItem("Audio", clear_audio_click)
notifyIcon.ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Clear", clearMenu));
I'm not sure if I'm missing something simple, but how do I achieve similar functionality with a ContextMenuStrip? There is no overloaded constructor for the ToolStripMenuItem that lets you add an array of itself to form a sub-menu. There also isn't a way to add items based on selecting a specific item index from the ContextMenuStrip, like:
There is a constructor that let's you instantiate, presumably, a sub-menu with an array of ToolStripItem(s), but it's an abstract class so you can't call it directly.
Thoughts? Or am I not seeing the forest through the trees.
You can do exactly what you want. But to access via keyname, you must set the name:
ToolStripItem[] newItems = {
new ToolStripMenuItem("All", null, DoThis),
new ToolStripMenuItem("Text", null, DoThis)
this.contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Clear", null, newItems) {Name="Clear"});
var clearItem = this.contextMenuStrip1.Items["Clear"] as ToolStripMenuItem;