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PYTHON: Update MULTIPLE COLUMNS with python variables

I'm trying to write a valid mysql statement that would allow me to update multiple columns in one record with values provided as python variables.

My statement would look like this:

db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="user", passwd="password", db="dbname")
cursor = db.cursor()
sql_update = "UPDATE table_name SET field1=%s, field2=%s, field3=%s, field4=%s, field5=%s, field6=%s, field7=%s, field8=%s, field9=%s, field10=%s WHERE id=%s" % (var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, var9, var10, id)
cursor.close ()

While trying to execute the query, I keep receiving information that there is an error in my SQL syntax. I can't locate it though. Could someone point out my mistake or show me how it should be written?


  • You are using string formatting, while what you SHOULD be doing is using a parametrized query. Do it like this:

    cursor.execute("UPDATE table_name SET field1=%s, ..., field10=%s WHERE id=%s", (var1,... var10, id))