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NullPointerException using liferay-ui taglib

I'm trying to use the liferay-ui:icon-help tag in my (Liferay 6.1) portlet, but adding

<liferay-ui:icon-help message="help me"/>

to my edit.jsp gives me

ERROR [render_portlet_jsp:154] java.lang.NullPointerException at com.liferay.taglib.ui.IconHelpTag.processEndTag(

I'm sure I imported the taglib correctly because other tags such as liferay-ui:calendar work just fine.

Did I forget anything?

edit: suggests that there's something wrong involving the theme, but I did not play around with that, the server is pretty much as it came out of the box.


  • Looks like the liferay-ui:icon-help tag makes call to a theme related object, add the following lines to your jsp:

    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-theme"%>
    <liferay-theme:defineObjects />