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RedBlackTree Mark Allen Weis Remove(x) Top Bottom Approach

From the original Mark Allen Weis RedBlackTree implementation from Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java found here.

I cannot seem to get my head around the removal of a node from the tree. After reading the wikipedia resource I noticed "is_leaf()" function.. the problem with this and Mark Weis implementation is there is no way to tell which node is a leaf and which isn't

void delete_one_child(struct node *n)
     * Precondition: n has at most one non-null child.
    struct node *child = is_leaf(n->right) ? n->left : n->right;

    replace_node(n, child);
    if (n->color == BLACK) {
            if (child->color == RED)
                    child->color = BLACK;

Is_Leaf java implementation

public boolean isLeaf(){
if(left == null && right == null){
return false;
return true;

Console Output

value=1 color=1 leaf=true left=null right=14
value=2 color=1 leaf=true left=null right=5
value=5 color=0 leaf=true left=null right=null
value=7 color=0 leaf=true left=2 right=11
value=8 color=0 leaf=true left=null right=null
value=11 color=1 leaf=true left=8 right=null
value=14 color=1 leaf=true left=7 right=15
value=15 color=1 leaf=true left=null right=null

Tree format (From Console)

└── (1) 1
    └── (1) 14
        ├── (0) 7
        │   ├── (1) 2
        │   │   └── (0) 5
        │   └── (1) 11
        │       └── (0) 8
        └── (1) 15


  1. The root is black
  2. Every red node has a black parent
  3. Any children of a red node are black – A red node cannot have red children
  4. Every path from the root to a leaf contains the same number of black nodes

So my question is how do I implement the removal from this implementation of Red and Back Trees?


  • Are you asking how to implement isLeaf()? If so you should be passing isLeaf the node you want to check.

    public boolean isLeaf(RedBlackNode<AnyType> t ){
    if(t.left == null && t.right == null){
    return false;
    return true;

    Otherwise, the algorithm itself looks right, the only real work is translating C into Java which is easy.