i've been struggling to enable multiple ulr-pattern for a web site using Spring mvc 3.0.5 sitemesh 2.4.2.my container is tomcat 6.0.26 my pom looks like this:
i'm using another view technology which is ZK for the admin site of the application.
sitemesh is supposed to take care of /site/*
and leave the /admin/*
every was fine until this week i wanted to add mobile wap view for the app.am not providing any site redirecting of the kind m.mysite.com
or mysite.mobi
, i'm just using spring mvc
request mapping to have /wap/*
which point to the same controllers and action as /site/*
. so my problem would be telling sitemesh to handle /wap/*
my web.xml looks like this:
<param-value>text/html; charset=UTF-8</param-value>
<!-- Forces UTF-8 output encoding! -->
<!-- FreeMaker section -->
<!-- End FreeMaker section -->
<!-- Sitemesh -->
<!-- Sitemesh -->
<url-pattern>/site/*</url-pattern> <!--this is decorated-->
<url-pattern>/wap/*</url-pattern> <!--this is not -->
<!--this bellow doesn't work as page not decorated-->
<!-- End of Sitemesh -->
According to coderanch both are supposed to work though it's not about sitemesh. I think it doesn't matter since siteMeshFilter
implements javax.servlet.Filter
this is my HomeController action
public String index(HttpServletRequest request) {
final org.springframework.mobile.device.Device device = DeviceUtils.getCurrentDevice(request);
return "redirect:/site/waphome";
} else {
return "redirect:/site/home";
@RequestMapping(value = {"/site","/site/home","/site/home","/wap","/wap/","/wap/home"})
public String home(Model model, HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session) {
final org.springframework.mobile.device.Device device = DeviceUtils.getCurrentDevice(request);
// ....
return "waphome";
} else {
return "home";
Never mind, i forgot to put the pattern in the decorator.xml