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GL_TRIANGLE_FAN and Textures Problems

I have made a half circle with a Triangle fan, here's the code:

    for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
        double x = 0.7 * Math.cos(angulo);
        double y = 0.7 * Math.sin(angulo);
        System.out.println ("Valor de X:" + x + " Valor de Y:" + y);
        gl.glTexCoord2d(x, y);gl.glVertex3d(x, y, -0.5);
    angulo += inc_angle;

But i haven't achieved the visual effect that i want, my real texture looks like this:

Door Texture

Instead i got something like this:

Real TExture

Now I got this

enter image description here

Is there something wrong with my image? i think that the corners need to be cut.


  • Texture coordinates are in range (0,0) - (1,1) your object coordinates are in range (-0.7,-0.7) - (0.7,0.7). You need to transform your object coordinates to correct coordinates on your texture.

    For example:

    double x = Math.cos(angulo);
    double y = Math.sin(angulo);
    gl.glTexCoord2d(x*0.5+0.5, 1.0-y);
    gl.glVertex3d(x*0.7, y*0.7, -0.5);