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Problems with loading native library/missing methods: no ttJdbcCS in java.library.path

Iam facing one problem while connecting the timesten client to the server The SQL Exception which Iam getting is pasted below:-

Problems with loading native library/missing methods: no ttJdbcCS in java.library.path

I am working with MAC OS X 10.7.2 and my timesten client version is

I have also changed the Java Preferences from 64-bit to 32-bit but still whenever i tried to connect with the SQL Developer it gives me the above error.

Please help me as it is required for my graduation project!!!!


  • I solved the by doing the following:-

    The key things you need to be sure to do (in a terminal window) are:

    1. Be sure to . in the TimesTen environment script /bin/ to set the full TT environment.

    2. Change directory to

    3. Run 'sh -J-d32'

    and all should be fine.

    Thanks all for their help!!!!