I am confused by writing a pointcut that matches all executions of a method. I tried the pointcut that should match all method-executions of class Alpha
execution(* Alpha.*(..))
with the following class-hierachy
public class Alpha {
public void alphaMethod() {...}
public class Beta extends Alpha {
public void betaMethod() {
If the Main-program calls alphaMethod
on an Beta
-instance my advice is called like expected but the Main-program calls betaMethod
that also calls alphaMethod
inside my advice is not called and I don't understand why.
public class MyAspect {
@Before(value = "execution(* Alpha.*(..))", argNames="joinPoint")
public void myAdvice(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
System.out.println("BEFORE: " + joinPoint.getSignature());
Beta beta = ...;
beta.alphaMethod(); //advice is called
beta.betaMethod(); //advice is NOT called.
This is expected.
Spring AOP uses proxy classes to wrap advised beans. When you call alphaMethod()
from within a Beta
method, the proxy isn't even aware of it.
See this answer for more information.