I am trying to layout my screen in JavaFX and have trouble using GridPane. I have 2 rows - one of them is set to have percentHeight of 80 and the other of 20 but what I'm seeing is that one row is overlaping the other
here is a little illustration (if you can call it like that :) ) that hopefully demonstrates what I mean (numbers indicate row numbers and '*' represents the overlap)
1 label1 <--- belongs to row 1
1 list1
1 |
1 |
1 |
12 | * label2 <--- belongs to row 2
12 | * list2
2 |
2 |
anyone encountered this problem? did I do something wrong?
Just find out what was wrong - in my layout i used nested gridpanes that their content was auto - generated without adding row constraints..
As it found out if no row constraints is added to the gridpane a default ones is used, those defaults had a minimum size, this cause the gridpanes them self to have "undeclared"/implicit minimum size, this why the constraints that i added (80 : 20 percent) was ignored - because the implicit minimum size of the different grids didn't left too much room for re-sizing, finally - because after calculating the minimum size of the grids there is not enough space in the page to show them - they overlaps.
the disappointing thing is - that i used showGridLines and the lines shown didn't reflect the minimum row size.
the problem was solved after i manually added the row constraints with minimum size of 0.