I would like to achieve a similar look and feel as in MS OFfice. I implemented ribbon control with some problems.
My first question : As seen on the picture, I think MS Office uses a borderless form/window and "paints" the minimize/mazimize/close buttons on top of Ribbon Control. (I am not sure I simply guessed from the memories of old days.) How can I do this or something similar to achieve something as MS Office.
My Second Question : I am doing wrong something but don't know what. I added the ribbon control but couldn't add the images as seen here. When I use the below code it doesn't throw an error at design time. (If I change file name it throws an error at design time saying that there was no file like that.)
<RibbonButton x:Name="QATButton2" SmallImageSource="Resources/b.bmp" />
But it throws this error at run-time.
'Provide value on 'System.Windows.Baml2006.TypeConverterMarkupExtension' threw an exception.' Line number '28' and line position '35'.
The answer is using RibbonWindow instead of Window.