I want to use an aspect to add getter and setter for a private id field. I know how to add a method through an aspect, but how can I access the private id field?
I thoght that I just have to make the aspect provileged. I tried the following code, but the aspect cannot access the id field.
public privileged aspect MyAspect {
public String Item.getId(){
return this.id;
A possibility would be to user reflection like shown in this blog post: http://blog.m1key.me/2011/05/aop-aspectj-field-access-to-inejct.html
Is reflection the only possibility or is there a way to do it with AspectJ?
Are you sure you can't ? I just tested and it ran. Here's my full code:
package com.example;
public class ClassWithPrivate {
private String s = "myStr";
package com.example.aspect;
import com.example.ClassWithPrivate;
privileged public aspect AccessPrivate {
public String ClassWithPrivate.getS() {
return this.s;
public void ClassWithPrivate.setS(String str) {
this.s = str;
package com.example;
public class TestPrivate {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ClassWithPrivate test = new ClassWithPrivate();
If for some reason, that does not work for you, you can use reflection, or another way as described here: https://web.archive.org/web/20161215045930/http://blogs.vmware.com/vfabric/2012/04/using-aspectj-for-accessing-private-members-without-reflection.html However, according to the benchmarks, it may not be worth it.