I have a list of files, the names of these files are are made of a classgroup and an id (eg. science_000000001.java)
i am able to get the names of all the files and split them so i am putting the classgroups into one array and the ids in another.. i have it so that the arrays cant have two of the same values.
This is the problem, i want to create a directory with these classgroups and ids, an example:
science_000000001.java would be in science/000000001/science_000000001.java
science_000000002.java would be in science/000000002/science_000000002.java
maths_000000001.java would be in maths/000000001/maths_000000001.java
but i cannot think of a way to loop through the arrays correctly to create the appropriate directories?
Also i am able to create the folders myself, its just getting the correct directories is the problem, does anyone have any ideas?
String filename = "science_000000001.java";
File fullPathFile = new File(filename.replaceAll("(\\w+)_(\\d+).*", "$1/$2/$0"));
gives you the full path of the file, in this case science/000000001/science_000000001.java
If you want to create the directory, use this: